The sustainability of an area is heavily reliant on having the right infrastructure in place.
Indy Gateway supports the westside community by continually advocating for all sorts of infrastructure improvements—from expansion of the rapid bus transit Blue Line, advocating for complete streets and bike paths.
Our efforts aim to:
Increase infrastructure connectivity to fuel community and economic development
Support the West Side Strategic Revitalization & Airport TIF Implementation Plan
Improve multi-modal transportation
Support the development of pedestrian and bicycle paths

IndyGo Announces Segment 1 Modification
In the fall of 2022, IndyGo proposed a Segment 1 Modification. The idea was to shift Blue Line service off Washington Street west of Holt Road onto I-70, which would provide significant capital and operating cost-savings. It also allowed the rest of the project, which had reached the point where ROW acquisition would be starting, to proceed. IndyGo shared that they did not make this suggestion lightly, as they know that people were counting on the service improvements, but feel that making this change has significant positive impacts.
Westside Connect
West Washington Street Road Improvements
Indy Gateway board members and Westside leaders joined Mayor Joe Hogsett, Indianapolis Department of Public Works, and City-County Councilor Jared Evans, for the announcement of a $20 million investment in roadway and stormwater infrastructure improvements coming to West Washington Street between Holt Road to Lynhurst Drive. This investment will include new asphalt, stormwater upgrades and sidewalk improvements, as well as drainage infrastructure updates in the adjacent Fleming Gardens neighborhood.

Pedestrian Crash Data
Pedestrian deaths from car crashes are symptomatic of an ongoing public health epidemic. After 35 years of declining numbers of pedestrians killed on U.S. roadways, the trend reversed in 2010, according to the National Traffic Safety Bureau. During 2020, an average of nearly 18 pedestrians died per day—a 4.5% increase over 2019. Health by Design and partners reviewed pedestrian crash data for Marion County.