Davis Dry Goods, also known as Davis Jean & Fashion, celebrates its 100th anniversary this year. To honor the business, Mayor Joe Hogsett visited the store to present a special proclamation acknowledging the anniversary. Along with Merchants West and Indy Gateway, the City of Indianapolis recognized Davis Jean & Fashion for a century of operations. Mayor Hogsett declared Sept. 9, 2022, as “Davis Jean & Fashion Day!”
The Mayor stated, “there are not very many businesses that have been around for 100 years, and this puts Davis Jean & Fashion in a very distinct and honored category of businesses that have flourished and survived through good times and bad.”
Davis Dry Goods opened for business in 1922 in a burgeoning Ben Davis suburb. Oscar Davis owned and operated the West Washington Street storefront until 1986. “We hear stories from current and former residents,” says John Ward, current owner of Davis Jean & Fashion. He says customers remember back-to-school shopping with Oscar himself helping with their purchase.
The Ward Family purchased the store from Oscar Davis and remained committed to excellent service and products. Davis became a destination for Hoosiers as one of the state’s largest retailers of Levi Strauss. Today, Davis Jean & Fashion offers a trendy brand variety, from Dickies to Carhart, and a nostalgic shopping experience.
Pictured (L-R) Brian Flinn, Merchant West Chairman and with MacAllister Rental; John Ward, Owner of Davis Jeans & Fashion; Indianapolis Mayor Joe Hogsett; City County Councilor Jared Evans; and Troy Brosseau, Indy Gateway President and President of Tel Tec Inc.