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In 2016, the Shelton Heights Neighborhood worked with the City of Indianapolis to demolish a mobile home park at 3844 Rockville Avenue on the west side of Indianapolis after it was left abandoned by its owner. The abandonment of Granny Lloyd’s Trailer Park led to crime and undesirable activity for the neighborhood.

In early 2017, Indy Gateway began working with the neighborhood to have the land donated for a pocket park. The City of Indianapolis granted the property to Indy Gateway, which is 2.66 acres near Holt and Washington Street. Then, the neighborhood and Indy Gateway, Inc. were awarded a Keep Indianapolis Beautiful (KIB) Greenspace grant, and the park was identified as one of its three greenspace locations in Indianapolis to be developed in 2018.

The park plan was developed with KIB and the firm of MKSK with options and phases for development. KIB, Shelton Heights Park Board and Indy Gateway volunteers began the work of the first phase of the plan in April 2018. Since this time, several corporations such as Shiel Sexton, Eli Lilly, Indianapolis Power & Light, Allied Wholesale Electric, AC Electric and Holladay Properties all assisted in the completion of phase I.

In late 2018, the Indianapolis Neighborhood Housing Partnership awarded a Placemaking Grant providing for the purchase of many basic items, such as benches and signage to get the park up and running. Currently, funds are being raised to purchase additional park equipment and to allow construction to completed in subsequent phases of the park as originally designed. Ongoing maintenance costs of the park will be the responsibility of the Shelton Heights Park Fund, which was established and managed by Indy Gateway.

Stage Structure will be Phase II of Park
Phase II of the park includes the building of a stage structure that would allow for continued art and entertainment experiences for years to come as designed by KIB and MKSK. The shape of the provides for a natural triangular shaped audience area with the anchor as the informal stage. This stage will activate the greenspace for a variety of local performances the community can attend.

Venue will Infuse Art and Culture into Community
The community sees this park to be much more than a playground and walking trails but rather a venue for infusing arts and culture into the lives of local families. The community, which previously had no sidewalks or greenspace, will now witness art each time they visit the park. Special art events will no doubt spur revitalization and help transform this neighborhood.

Shelton Heights Park Facts


• Indy Gateway and the Shelton Heights Neighborhood worked with the city to demolish abandoned Granny trailer Park


• City agreed to transfer property (2.44 acres) to Indy Gateway
• Indy Gateway/Shelton Heights Neighborhood applied for a grant
• Awarded Keep Indianapolis Beautiful 2018 Greenspace grant


• Broke ground and park was established


• Nominated as finalist for 2018 Love Thy Neighbor Vitality Award
• Awarded Debbie Parish Keep Indianapolis Beautiful “Community Builder” Award


• 2020 Neighbor Power Indy “Inspiring Places Award”